Amy J. Randall-McSorley, EdD, MMC
Books, Marketing Content, Articles, Research, Writing Workshops, Freelance Writing, and More
Marketing/Content Samples:
Healthcare Articles:
The Pathway to Update Payment Reform
Scholarly Research:
Newspaper Column
Some issues of the column I write for the Circleville Herald are provided on the Blogs page of this site. Additionally, you can visit the newspaper's website and search my name.
Published Books:
Wicked Dreams, a fictional thriller.
The Hills of Circleville, a collection of ekphrastic poetry.
The Commuter Chronicles, a collection of the first 6+ years of the Commuter Column I freelance write for the Circleville Herald newspaper
Other Media
Hear our amazing Ohio Poet Laureate, Kari Gunter-Seymour read a few of my poems as well as hear the work of other poets who participated in Kari's workshop:
Workshops by Design
Tell me what you are looking for, and I can tailor a program to meet that need. I can cover anything from creative writing, to breaking through writer's block, poetry and more.
Freelance Writing
I am available to write articles about pretty much anything and am not afraid to explore where I've not gone before in order to do so.
For more information, please feel free to look for my Facebook page called "Amy's Virtual Writing Room" or contact me at