Amy J. Randall-McSorley, EdD, MMC

Stuff about me
I am a lover of words, music, landscapes, art, animals, chocolate and more. Perhaps it would be less complicated and cumbersome to list that which I do not like: peas and mean people.
I take many paths to write about that which I like (and don't like). Under the name Amy J. Cooper, I published, Wicked Dreams, a fictional thriller, and The Hills of Circleville, a collection of ekphrastic poetry. I have been writing the Commuter Column for the Circleville Herald newspaper since 2010 and published The Commuter Chronicles, a collection of the first 6+ years of the column.
I also provide writing workshops for all ages and will tailor the session around whatever the group desires. I have fun with it and have been honored to offer the workshops in schools, libraries, art galleries and banks.
In addition to writing, I have a strong background in continuing legal and medical education and a doctorate degree in education as well. I also have expertise in marketing and hold a master's degree in that field.
If you would like more information, please visit my products and services page on this site or visit my Facebook page called Amy's Virtual Writing Room. You can also reach me by email: amyj.author@gmail.com.